There are many services available to victims of crime in the City of Ottawa.

Victim support services

Victim Service Crisis Unit: The Ottawa Police Service offers information and help to victims of crime. Contact the Victim Service Crisis Unit by phone at 613-236-1222, ext. 2223 (TTY 613-760-8009), or visit the OPS website for more information about victim services.

Ottawa Victim Services: At Ottawa Victim Services, professional staff and trained volunteers provide support for people who have been victims of crime or tragedies. OVS offers services by telephone, on-scene and in their victim services office. Visit the OVS Website for more information

Victim Support Line: This toll-free information line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in the language of your choice. Services include:

  • Information and referrals to services in your community
  • Information about provincially sentenced offenders

Call the Victim Support Line toll-free at 1-888-579-2888 or visit their Website.

Support to victims of violence

Elder abuse: The OPS offers information specific to crimes against seniors. Find out more and get access to resources to help you protect yourself, a parent or grandparent, or someone in your neighbourhood.

Domestic violence

24-hour Support Lines
  • Helpline for abused women: (613) 745-4818
  • Assault Women’s Helpline: 1-866-863-0511
  • FEMAIDE for francophone women: 1-877-FEM-AIDE/1-877-336-2433
  • Minwaashin Lodge, Aboriginal Women’s Support Centre: (613) 741-5590
Crisis and counselling services
  • Ottawa Police Services, Partner Assault Section: (613) 236-1222, ext. 5407
  • Evelyn Home Young Women’s Emergency Shelter: (613) 789-8220
  • Minwaashin Lodge, Aboriginal Women’s Support Centre: (613) 741-5590
  • Ottawa Victim Services: (613) 238-2762

Sexual violence

24-hour support lines
  • Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre: (613) 562-2333 or TTY (613) 562-3860
  • Sexual Assault Support Centre: (613) 234-2266 or TTY (613) 725-1657
  • CALACS francophone d’Ottawa: 1-877-FEM-AIDE FREE:1-877-336-2433
  • Minwaashin Lodge: (613) 789-1141
Crisis and counselling services
  • Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus, Sexual Assault and Partner Abuse Care Program: (613) 761-4366
  • Ottawa Police Services, Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Section: (613) 236-1222, ext. 5944
  • Sexual Assault Support Centre: (613) 725-2160
  • Young Women’s Emergency Shelter: (613) 789-8220
  • Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre: (613) 562-2334
  • Minwaashin Lodge, Aboriginal Women’s Support Centre: (613) 741-5590
  • Ottawa Victim Services: (613) 238-2762

Child abuse