Applications for 2022-2023 are closed. Please check back next year.
Let your artistic talents shine bright this winter. Apply for a Crime Prevention Ottawa (CPO) youth arts microgrant to help bring your ideas to life. For inspiration check out the highlight reel from last year’s grants!
How to apply:
- Download the program guidelines or view below.
- Review the application questions that need to be answered.
- Apply via the online form.
- Application deadline: All applications must be e-mailed or submitted by Friday, November 25th, 2022.
- For youth applicants who would like feedback before submitting your final application, please submit your draft by November 18.
- The art projects should be completed by May 31, 2023.
You can view the information session of Tuesday, October 19, 2022.
The microgrants will be prioritized for youth, ages 12-25, who identify as the following (but not limited to):
- Youth living in poverty
- Indigenous youth
- Youth from racial minority groups
- Homeless youth
- 2SLGBTQIA youth
Successful youth applicants will receive between $500-$1000 to fund their initiative.
Successful community organizations applying on behalf of a group of youth will receive between $1000-$5000 to fund their initiative.
Program Objectives
The SHINE project objectives are:
- Promoting messages of positive identity formation, safety, anti-racism, building community.
- Building community safety and healthy youth development through youth empowerment and community arts.
- Supporting grassroots community-based activities. The focus is on positive and pro-social self-identity through creative expressions and arts.
- Positively engaging youth within priority groups.
Project Activities
Potential youth-led activities include (but are not limited to):
- Videos
- Podcasts
- Social media campaigns, challenges, and trends
- Visual arts
- Music
- Poetry
- Spoken word
- Performance arts
Projects must focus on one or more of the following themes:
- Positive identity formation (such as building self-esteem, focusing on achievements, showcasing pro-social talents)
- Safety (can include mental and physical health and wellbeing, community safety, awareness of issues in society, etc.)
- Anti-racism (involves action against racism towards black, Indigenous and persons of colour (BIPOC), marginalization, oppression, and systemic racism)
- Building community (such as engagement within schools, neighbourhoods, or other virtual or geographical communities, promoting safe spaces, sharing experiences)
Who is eligible?
- While the project may involve youth between the ages of 12-25, the lead applicant must be 18 or older. All youth must be living in Ottawa.
- Ottawa-based community organizations which work with youth aged 12-25
What if I’m under 18 and want to apply? You will need to partner up with a youth 18 or older, or a community organization who will be the lead applicant.
What is eligible?
- Applicants must demonstrate that their project reflects the program’s intended focus and objectives, through exploring pro-social themes of positive identity formation, safety, anti-racism, and/or community building.
- Projects must be completed through an artistic medium such as, but not limited to videos, podcasts, social media, visual arts, performance arts, etc.
Examples of eligible SHINE projects
- Creating visual arts pieces such as paintings, drawings, sculptures, handmade crafts, digital art, etc.
- Producing videos, plays, podcasts, performances of spoken word or dance
- Developing social media pages, campaigns, trends, profiles, etc.
- Writing, recording, and performing music of any genre or style
Who is NOT eligible?
- Lead applicants under the age of 18 (if applying independently of a community organization) or over the age of 25
- Ottawa-based organizations that do not work with youth aged 12-25
- Youth or community organizations not located in Ottawa
- City of Ottawa employees or elected representatives may not apply
What is NOT eligible?
- Arts projects that are not related to positive self-identity, safety, anti-racism, and building community
- Arts projects that have been completed prior to the application deadline date
- Commercial or fundraising initiatives
- Subcontracting performers and artists who not youth
Eligible costs include supplies (paint, sculpting material, props, etc.), equipment (camera, software, easel, brushes, etc.), and human resources (bus, taxi, honorariums, etc.).
SHINE Application Process
Application packages may be submitted as of October 04, 2022. The deadline to submit is November 25, 2022. Completed application packages received by this deadline will be considered and evaluated by December 9, 2022. Only one application per project will be considered. Application material can be found on our website at
We will be hosting a workshop to answer questions on the application process on, October 19, 2022, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Reviewing Process
A review committee will include at least one representative from each of the following groups:
- Crime Prevention Ottawa Board of Directors
- United Way of Eastern Ontario
- Community representation
- Community Arts Program: Community Arts & Social Engagement
- Youth services
Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Is the project eligible?
- Is the project youth-led?
- Does the project contribute to community safety and positive youth development?
- Is the project realistic? This will be determined by the budget and timeline information provided by the applicant.
- Does the applicant provide a community reference? I.e., somebody in the applicant’s life has provided a letter to attest to their community involvement, creativity, devotion, organization and eligibility for funding. These references should be written by the community reference themselves.
Please note that meeting all eligibility requirements does not guarantee funding. Also, successful applicants may only be offered a portion of their requested funding.
Key Dates
- October 04, 2022 – Grant application is open
- October 19, 2022 – SHINE information session
- November 25, 2022 – Deadline for applications
- December 9, 2022 – Grants will be awarded to successful applicants
- January to March 2023 – Check-ins and support
- May 31, 2023 – All art pieces must be completed and reports submitted
Reporting and Recognition of the Funding
Please note:
- All community organizations and youth that receive funds under the SHINE: Youth Led Arts Projects must submit proof of the activities through photographs, social media posts and a brief report form
- The projects must be completed by May 31, 2023
- All successful applicants must agree to recognize the financial contribution received from Crime Prevention Ottawa
- Material produced by successful applicants may be used in social media promotions on behalf of CPO
Since you’ve made it this far, you’re ready to check out the application process here.