To build a better neighbourhood, get to know people in your community:

  • Invite people over for a barbeque
  • Go next door with your shovel or snowblower after a big snowfall
  • Offer your expertise on a project that someone is starting
  • Check in on the elderly couple living across the street

Small acts of kindness bring people and communities together.

Connect with people who can help you

There is strength in numbers. The more connected we are to people and groups in our community, the more we benefit from each other’s skills and knowledge, and the more likely we are to help one another in times of need.

Get to know your local Community Police Centre and Community Health and Resource Centre.

Your local City councillor may also be able to help with an issue in your neighbourhood. Get in touch with him or her about any initiatives you start. Not sure who your councillor is? Visit the City of Ottawa website.

You can also connect with schools, faith groups and non-profit organizations to find out about projects that you can all work on together. Every neighbourhood has groups and clubs. Get to know yours before you start a project.

Celebrate your achievements

After all your hard work is done, remember to celebrate your successes! Take photos of your events and initiatives—and share them:

  • Write stories and send them to community newspapers and other media outlets
  • Write emails to politicians and organizations in your community to let them know about the good work you’re doing
  • Share your stories on a community website, blog or Crime Prevention Ottawa’s Facebook page

Hearing about someone else’s success can lead others to act too.